Nothing like that agency you hate.
We’re straight-talking, friendly and we know recruitment at Alexander Lyons Solutions. We are who we say we are: highly experienced recruiters who work with the best. Together we have more than 200 years of experience in our field. Whatever you want, and need, we’ll help you find it.

Take a seat,
We've got this.
Our experts are here to help you find the right role to suit your skills, work/life balance and career goals. There’s nothing standard about ALS. We’re always looking at ways to do things differently, but if we see a round hole, we won’t go looking for a square peg.

Switch your hiring process to 'easy'.
We recruit the right people in law, tech, engineering, telecoms, media, business support and HR. We build relationships in every sector by finding the right person for the job. Our recruiters are experienced, motivated, expert, and here to find the talent that will grow businesses. Simple.

A team of experts across multiple sectors.

What makes us different?
Well, there are two words for it.
Some of us can kind of sum it up in one word: refreshing. Now, we’re not selling a brand-new kind of drink or anything, we’re just changing things up. We’re refreshing because we’re not like the rest.
Others stick by another word (one we like just as much): Alexander Lyons Solutions is what they call “disruptive”. And that’s not a bad thing. In fact, we like it so much we’re willing to talk about it on the first page you come across.

Have a look around.
You’re going to see a lot of positive statements about our abilities as you navigate your way through the site. The thing to remember is that we’re not making false promises, we’re not humble-bragging, we’re not unfriendly or overconfident; we’re not being dicks about it, but we’re not putting on a show, either. We are who we are, and you should know that going in that we also happen to be exceptionally good at what we do.

Get in touch today
Whether you’re a professional looking to switch up your career or a business in search of new talent, we’ve got you covered.